63 Patrick Street, St. John's NL
709 757 3313

Brenda Madden, Registered Massage Therapist

Massage Therapist St. John's NL

Brenda Madden graduated with a Bachelor of Kinesiology from Memorial University in 2003; and a Diploma in Massage Therapy from Northumberland College in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 2005. Over 18 years of practice, Brenda has constantly sought to expand and consolidate her skills in order to tailor her massage treatments to best address individual client’s needs. In her pursuit of providing superior care, she had completed coursework in pregnancy massage, acupressure, soft tissue release therapy, myofascial release therapy, athletic therapy, cupping & facial cupping and so many more.

She has a particular interest in mental health issues. She has completed coursework in mental health first aid and Somatic Psychotherapeutic Massage. This therapy addresses the connection between mental stressors and physical pain. It is particularly effective following injury, such as motor vehicle accidents or trauma in any environment.

Brenda’s experience and special skills complement the inclusive and collaborative vibe that we nurture.

In her spare time, Brenda enjoys working on numerous types of fiber arts (knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc) as well as spending time with her husband, kids and giant goofball dog.